My Top Tips For Optimal Digestion

Hey there! I am a Certified Holistic Health Coach, helping people heal their digestive systems and enjoy food again. I used to suffer from chronic & painful digestive symptoms, like bloating, cramping... etc but have learnt how to achieve optimal digestion and regenerate this part of my body. These tips have not only helped me, and my clients, but many of these subjects have been scientifically proven with numerous studies conducted on these topics- which is so cool! I encourage you to experiment with these tips, and see what works for you. The things I discuss below will not only benefit your digestion, but enable you in restoring overall health, wellbeing and happiness. Enjoy!


1. Employ proper food combining

Functional food combining is a form of food combining used in functional nutrition to help heal the gut and support weight loss. It’s a creative way to nurture and support digestion through whole foods and mindful food combinations. This highlights foods that are thought to work against each other when included in the same meal. This is mostly due to the rate at which each food is digested. Combining foods that break down at different rates may be a major source of digestive discomfort. Avoiding specific combinations may help alleviate bloating and gas, while optimising metabolism and reducing digestive stress. For example, some nutrients, such as simple carbohydrates, digest quickly. Other nutrients, like proteins and fats, require more time to be broken down into fuel for the body.

Refer to this food combing chart when creating meals

2. Drinking Kangen water

This water has improved my digestion and overall health in tremendous ways. Kangen water (electronically reduced ionised water) is rich in molecular hydrogen which is a powerful antioxidant. Kangen water is also micro-clustered for efficient absorption and hydration on a cellular level. Hydration plays an important role in the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract. Water is required to dissolve nutrients so that they may be absorbed into the bloodstream and delivered to the cells. Please do not drink regular tap water- it is filled with chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals ( arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, copper, mercury, selenium, nickel, thallium, antimony, and beryllium), antibiotics which heavily kill off your healthy gut flora, hormones & synthetic pharmaceuticals, nitrates, and pesticides, viruses, parasites, and radioactive contaminants. Bottled water from the store is no better- the plastic container it is held in leaches chemicals into the plastic (they sit heating up in the sun on cargo ships months before it arrives in stores), which you then drink. Plastic bottled water companies also fill their water with chemicals & additives to make the water more 'alkaline' like baking soda, which disrupts the pH of your stomach and can heavily inhibit your body's ability to digest anything. Kangen water machines alter the pH and structure through electricity NOT CHEMICALS. This has a similar effect to when lightening strikes a lake in nature, the water is negatively charged providing the animals with antioxidants when they drink it. I personally feel extremely heavy after drinking tap water, like my tummy is a ballon full of water (this is because it is not micro-clustered like Kangen).

Learn more about Kangen water here


3. Deep belly breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing offers endless benefits, but notably improves digestion. Activating the diaphragm creates a gentle massaging action felt by internal organs like the intestines and stomach, which can reduce abdominal pain, urgency, bloating, and constipation. By performing deep belly breathes, you are also activating the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system controls processes in the body such as digestion, repair and relaxation. When the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant in the body it conserves energy, slows heart rate, increases digestion and relaxes sphincter muscles in the digestive tract. Thus decreasing bloating and abdominal discomfort around eating.

4. Creating a safe space & calm environment for meal time

This is important because there is a direct relationship between stress and your intestinal nervous system. Our gastrointestinal system is sensitive to emotions and reactions such as stress. If you are in a hectic, distractive, or stressful environment, eg, at a dinner table where people are arguing, or at a cafe watching aggressive sport on the TV, this will negatively affect the digestive system in many ways. It can cause a decrease in blood and oxygen flow to the stomach, cramping, an imbalance in gut bacteria and inflammation, hence inhibiting our ability the properly digest food because our body's energy is directed to the fight or flight response. It is best to eat when you are alone in a calm environment free of distractions, so you can be totally present with your meal- you will enjoy your food more this way, too. (A general rule for me is- never eat when stressed or when around stressful people, trust me, your tummy won't feel good afterward)

5. Taking herbs for your GI tract

Supplementing with herbal formulas are amazing for the health of your GI tract, and there are many herbs found in nature that especially benefit your intestines and the digestive process. I really love the 'GI Renew' Capsules by Dr Robert Morse Botanicals.


6. Avoid overeating

Digestive enzymes are only available in limited quantity, so the larger the amount of food you eat, the longer it takes to digest. If you overeat frequently, over time, this slowed digestive process means the food you eat will remain in the stomach for a longer period of time. Having more food in your stomach than your body can handle puts a larger strain on the digestive system to properly break food down, and this could result in gas, bloating and constipation.

7. Mono meals

A mono meal is just a fancy way of saying, fill yourself up on a meal that consists of ONE thing, like eating a big bowl of just watermelon, or four bananas or a big bowl of steamed sweet potato, etc. The benefits of mono meals are mainly for digestive health. They remove the burden of your digestive system having to differentiate from an array of different foods which all require different enzymes to digest properly. When you take a break from complex meals, your organs have a chance to rejuvenate. Detoxification naturally happens at this point and you might find that when you go back to eating as usual, you digest your food better and have more energy.

8. Blessing & expressing gratitude for your food

Expressing gratitude, praying, saying grace and all forms of blessing food before a meal are among the most universal and ancient behaviours of humankind. Here are a few was this will benefit you; Blessing food before a meal brings your attention to the moment for eating and that way prepares your physiological body to digest the meal by increasing salivation, digestion enzymes. Mindfulness before meals releases hormones and sets your brain to the mode for enjoyment.Taking the moment to focus before the meal prepares your physiological body and your emotional body to enjoy the meal and feel fulfilment after the meal. The positive thinking and blessing of the food change the molecule structure of water, influencing the fluid cells in food and the way they affect your body and digestion. Blessing your meal brings your attention to the moment. It makes you more conscious of what you are eating and consuming, awakening your body to all the senses and allowing the maximal enjoyment of flavours and tastes.


9. Colon hydrotherapy

Colon cleansing can help improve your body’s overall health and wellness, and may even reduce your risks for colon cancer. Enemas and colonics makes the digestive system more effective- as the colon is cleansed, it pushes waste through your system, clearing the way for good nutrient absorption. A clean colon from a colon detox allows waste to pass easily. A colon that's been cleansed allows only water, vitamins and nutrients from food and juices to be absorbed into the bloodstream, creating an unobstructed path for essential nutrients to filter into your body. Enemas and colonics also decrease bloating, as well as refreshing your intestinal system.

10. Lowering cruciferous vegetable intake

There are various things that can contribute to gas and bloating, but one big one happens to be a super-healthy food: cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale as well as arugula, bokchoy, collard greens, radishes, and watercress, among others. These foods are amazing for our health, however can be very difficult to digest and often cause gas. Cruciferous veggies also contain raffinose, an oligosaccharide that humans actually don't have the enzyme to digest. This means that, since it didn't get digested in the small intestines, when it enters the large intestine undigested, that's where you're likely to experience gas and bloating as bacteria in the intestines start to ferment that undigested food. If you are wanting to improve your digestion, I'd encourage you to experiment with lowering your intake of sulfur rich cruciferous veggies, and see how you feel.

11. Warming & soothing teas

There are numerous herbs that have been used for many years to alleviate various ailments including digestion. Drinking these herbs or blends that contain them are a great way to introduce digestion friendly ingredients into your diet. Including peppermint, ginger, turmeric, fennel, lemon balm & chamomile. Drinking hot teas both soothes and activates your digestive tract. As the liquid moves through your stomach and intestines, digestive organs are better hydrated and able to eliminate waste. Warm liquids can also dissolve and dissipate things you've eaten that your body might have had trouble digesting. Be sure to include warming teas in the Winter especially.

12. Stretching & twisting movements

Strecthing can aid digestion, elimination and bloating by increasing the circulation and energy to the digestive tract. Streching works on a physical level by stimulating the internal organs via various positions. Statitc stretches to improve digestion include:

Bellows pose, happy baby pose, fish pose, and an extended wide sqaut pose.


13. Getting SUNSHINE on your belly

Daily sun exposure can help diversify the bugs in your gut. Exposure to ultraviolet rays not only bumps up vitamin D levels, but can also lead to a more varied collection of gut bacteria. those who have healthy levels of vitamin D may have a healthier digestive tract and a reduced risk of developing colon cancer. And of course, one of the best ways to get your vitamin D is to get out in the sun. We thrive off of the sun, it relaxes us, neutralises negative ions and helps us access more of our higher consciousness. All nutrients can be found in food or synthesised by the sun. (Source: The Miracle of Fasting by Paul C. Bragg)

14. Intermittent fasting

It gives your gut a break! Digesting different foods is a task of great energy expenditure for your body. Fasting during prolonged periods gives the gut the time it needs to restore its integrity. Fasting also allows for the body's enzyme system to focus on detoxifying and breaking down toxins in the body quickly and efficiently without the job of heavy food digestion. During fasts, toxins are being circulated in the body in order for our organs to de-arm them.

15. Juicing

Fruit & vegetable juices provide polyphenols, oligosaccharides, fibre and nitrate (beet juice), which may induce a prebiotic-like effect. This study found that drinking a juice diet induced significant positive changes in the intestinal microbiota—and as a bonus, resulted in an increase in Bacteroides. Bacteroides help our digestive systems break down diverse plant fibre and complex polysaccharides, including pectin and xylans from fruit and vegetables. I have found personally that my morning green juice provides me with efficient digestion throughout the day. I also regularly drink fresh cold-pressed orange juice, watermelon juice, and grape juice.

16. Consuming a high fruit, high carb, raw vegan diet

Digestion is a taxing process and the more we eat, and the worse we eat, the more digestive problems and other health problems we tend to encounter. For example: the harder the foods are to digest (i.e. meat), or the more undesirable qualities they bring with them (i.e. processed food), the more we literally “wear” out our body. However, cooked foods add in their own slew of problems that can interfere with optimal health, and thus longevity. Raw vegan diets provide the body the food in its most natural form. And although some experts or laypeople alike argue that cooked food is easier to digest, which in some ways it is, I feel it is rather naive for us to think that our body wasn’t designed to best handle food in its raw and natural form. The fact that we have conditioned ourselves into cooked foods, and today many people whose diets are based on cooked foods have a hard time digesting raw foods is a whole other story. Unhealthy gut flora, backed up intestines, sluggish or stressed out organs, chronic acidity, chronic dehydration, chronic infections, and the like, are just a few of the areas that can interfere with optimal digestion. Additionally, the diets of raw vegans tend to be naturally lower in calories, since raw vegan food is predominantly rich in nutrients, not calories. This connects us back to the outstanding health benefits of nutrient density we talked about above. People, therefore, tend to eat less, as the body is getting all that it needs more efficiently, and this translates to greater longevity benefits. (Sourced by Evita Ochel)

17. Staying low on fats & proteins

High fat & high protein foods are more acidifying on the body, and are also much much slower & harder to digest. Following a keto diet is damaging for your body and brain whether you eat an animal-based keto diet or a plant-based keto diet. Some people experience temporary relief or weight loss on a keto diet, but it’s important to understand that these improvements are short-lived. Especially if you suffer from chronic illness, autoimmune disease, neurological conditions or mysterious symptoms, you’ll want to run the other way from anything close to the keto diet.

18. Do not drink before, during or immediately after eating

Drinking water or other beverages shortly before, during and directly after eating dilutes digestive juices. This, in turn, interferes with the proper breakdown of food, impairing nutrient absorption. It also supposedly slows the emptying of the stomach, leaving you uncomfortably bloated. It is best to wait around 20-30 mins before and after eating a meal to drink.

68 uses of Kangen water.jpeg

19. Eating slowly & chewing well

Have you ever bitten of more than you could chew? Ever swallowed a big hunk of food and felt it go down like a lump in your throat? If so, you’re not alone. Most people don’t take the time to chew their food properly. Take small bites and chew each bite for about thirty seconds or until it starts to become liquid. This mechanical breakdown of your food helps it to travel smoothly down your oesophagus  and into your stomach where it is broken down further. Don’t stress your digestive system more by not chewing your food well. This is especially important if you have any digestive issues. I can’t remember who said it, but I heard a quote the other day which said, “Drink your food and chew your beverages.” In other words, move them around your mouth enough to let your enzymes and digestive system do their jobs well.

20. Ditching processed foods and all animal products

These foods are highly acidic, degenerative, inflammatory and mucus-forming in the body, these foods are usually the root cause of most peoples digestive issues. Stay away from them. Eg acidic flesh and bodily secretions (meat, fish, eggs, dairy) as well as foods that are packaged, contain preservatives, are cooked or fried in oil, have ingredients you cannot pronounce or have never heard of, contain numbers in the ingredients list (these are synthetic chemicals), breads, tinned/canned foods, breakfast cereals, savoury snacks, such as chips, sausage rolls, pies and pasties, microwave meals or ready meals, cakes, chocolates, lollies and biscuits, dressings and sauces, sodas and soft drinks, food from fast food restaurants. The bottom line is- these foods were artificially synthesised in a lab or a factory. The body CANNOT HEAL when these obstructions are in the human system. Just eat fresh plant foods that come directly from the earth itself.

21. Stick to foods with a high water content

Eating foods high in water content digest easily and quickly, are hydrating for your body and keep you fuller for longer, as well as containing an abundance of important minerals and vitamins. Some of my favourite high water content foods include; watermelon, cucumbers, citrus fruits like oranges & grapefruits, lettuce, blueberries, tomatoes, celery, rockmelon, grapes, strawberries, radishes, zucchinis, leafy greens, and apples. The water in these fruits and veggies is structured by nature (like Kangen when it goes through the process of electrolysis) and is deeply hydrating and cleaning on a cellular level.

22. Rebounding

Jumping on a trampoline or rebounder helps with digestion because the rhythmic up-down motion stimulates the contraction and relaxation of muscles that make up the digestive tract. Improved digestive peristalsis means the body is able to process and absorb nutrients more efficiently. The constant push and pull of rebounding enhances the digestive process and also helps in the elimination of cellular waste.

23. Eating papayas or pawpaws for breakfast!

Rich in papain, this tropical fruit facilitates the breakdown of proteins in your stomach. This leads to easier digestion and a better absorption of nutrients from your food. Papaya also has anti-inflammatory properties which soothes & calms the intestinal nerves in the stomach. It is very easy to digest and it dissolves fats instantly. It also relieves problems like food allergies and heartburn. It also facilitates a proper functioning of bowels and hence, betters digestion. Because papayas are fast digesting melons, I'd recommend having them in the morning before any other food to prevent poor food combining (food combining rule- have melons alone, or leave them alone!)


Thank you for reading!

Comment below why you what tips you want to try, are currently doing, or have worked for you before! Let me know any other digestion related tips that have been successful for you.

If you are wanting to improve your digestion, skin health, or wanting to transition to a plant based or raw whole foods diet, check out my health coaching services here, where we can work together on any health concerns you have & creating a better life for you.

Book your free wellness discovery call with me here

Sending joy, health, abundance & blessings to each and every one of you.

Be sure to follow me on Instagram where I share digestion-friendly raw recipes & juices @olivia.harper




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