My 22 ‘Super-human’ Habits I’m Continuing in 2022

Hello everyone, Happy New Year to you all! I hope you’ve had a great start to 2022. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my top 22 ‘super-human’ habits that I’m bringing with me into this new year, as well as the benefits of each. These habits, when implemented consistently and committed to, are truly life-changing, to say the least, for my health, peace, discipline, confidence, and mindset. I hope this list may inspire you to implement one, or maybe a few of these habits into your 2022!


1. Drinking a litre of hydrogen-rich, alkalised Kangen water every morning with a squeeze of lime

I’ve been drinking Kangen water daily since 2019 for its infinite health benefits. I will never drink any other type of water again, as it’s filtered and also enriched with active molecular hydrogen, the most powerful antioxidant available. It has done so much for my body, my skin is no longer inflamed with acne, my energy levels are high, and my digestion has never been better since drinking this water. I like to add a squeeze of lime upon waking for additional detoxification benefits. To learn more about Kangen water and how you can get a machine, check out this page here


2. Morning foot reflexology with a spiky massage ball to stimulate organs for the day

I have one of those spiky pressure point massage balls (you can get them at most sports shops or physios!) and every morning as soon as I roll out of bed I have the spiky ball on the floor and I run the bottom of my foot over it. This has many benefits, as areas of the foot correspond to certain organs and systems of the body. Pressure applied to the foot can bring relaxation and healing to the corresponding area of the body.


3. Deep breathing while stretching

I find that this not only calms my whole body and can relieve stress or tension, but it also makes the stretch 100x more effective. A lot of the time when we are are in an uncomfortable position or going beyond our range of motion in a stretch, we tend to hold our breath!! When you let go and consciously take deep breaths into your abdomen, it not only feels amazing but increases circulation and will make you more flexible in the long run.


4. Consuming a fresh cold-pressed juice every day

Juices are incredible for detoxification and delivering a concentrated amount of nutrients to your body, in a delicious way. I feel so much better on the days where I have at least 1 juice, compared to the days where I have no juice at all! So I make it a priority to have one a day. My favourite combinations are green juices, orange juices, and grape juices.


5. Rebounding

Rebounding has got to be one of my top favourite forms of exercise, it is so fun! For those who don’t know what rebounding is, it is a workout of jumping on a mini trampoline, (or rebounder). This has endless health benefits, most notably it stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps flush out toxins and fight disease, and also improves balance and coordination. I find that for me it also helps release anxiety. Rebounding is so fun and I love to jump with some upbeat happy music. You can also do a rebounding workout with ankle weights on, which I also do!


6. Not going on your phone first thing in the morning

This is really important to me, as I believe that our mornings create our days, our days create our weeks, our weeks create our months, and ultimately our months create our year! If I am spending my first few moments or hours from waking up, with my head in my phone, entertained by the digital world and maybe even mindlessly scrolling on social media, I will 1. be distracted from the good habits and routine I need to accomplish in the morning, 2. be feeling slightly overwhelmed, anxious, lacking clarity for my morning, or even in a state of laziness after putting down my phone, 3. going on your phone in the morning has been proven to cause us to be less creative and motivated. I don’t want that! Because a lot of my work is online, which I love and am so grateful for, I keep my mornings free from screens as long as I can until its time to crack down and get to work :)


7. Consuming a diet rich in water-dense fruits & vegetables

Consuming a diet that is rich in raw, organic fruits and vegetables that have a high water content has done wonders for my body. I feel most amazing and radiant when I eat as much of these fresh foods as I can throughout the day. If you want to experience true hydration and longevity, don’t just drink your water, eat your water too!


8. Grounding, getting your feet into the earth

There are many benefits to be experienced when your body comes into direct physical contact with the vast supply of electrons on the surface of the earth. Our modern lifestyles often separate humans from this vital contact. Studies have shown that this disconnect is a major contributor to physiological dysfunction and unwellness! Reconnection with the earth's electrons has been found to promote many positive changes and reports of well-being, such as better sleep and reduced pain — from walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems that transfer the Earth's electrons from the ground into the body.


9. Daily sunlight exposure

I am a better, brighter version of me when I get plenty exposure to sunshine. I believe sunshine is a huge foundation of good health and happiness, and can boost your mood, immunity, sleep quality, brain function, can improve or heal skin disorders, and increases longevity! Swimming in the sea with the sun on my body brings me so much joy and has infinite positive repercussions for my physical and mental state :)


10. Eliminating processed foods

Eat vibrant, life giving foods from the earth! Not factory made, synthesised, chemicalised, artificial poison that takes away from health and only deteriorates the body. What ever diet you follow, try your best to eat real, organic, fresh foods, you WILL feel and taste the difference.


11. Removing toxins and chemicals from your home environment

It’s important to reduce or completely eliminate chemical & toxic exposure in your home environment, which can include your cleaning, beauty, and gardening products, as these synthetic items can have negative effects on your physical and mental wellbeing, as well as the health of your pets! I use the different pH water settings from my Kangen water machine for pretty much everything that I would of previously purchased a product for! Kangen water machines have more than 50 different uses besides providing high-quality, antioxidant-rich drinking water. They can replace a variety of health, beauty, and cleaning products based on the pH setting you choose. For example, I use the 11.5pH strong alkaline water to remove pesticides off my produce, as stain remover, laundry soap, makeup remover, bug spray repellant, and more. I use the 6.0pH ‘beauty water’ to tone my skin, as hair conditioner, fabric softener, to clean windows and glass without streaks, to bathe our dogs for lustrous coats, and to water our permaculture garden for vigorous growth. I use the 2.5pH strong acidic water as an anti-microbial disinfectant, as hand soap & sanitiser, to clean hard water spots & rust, as mouth wash, to treat open wounds & burns, AND as a natural deodorant. All of these pH settings are made from just 1, nontoxic, completely safe and natural ingredient: water. And is outstandingly more effective than any of the equivalent store bought products these waters replace. See all the uses for a machine here.


12. Gratitude & thankfulness for blessings

Count, write down, or give thanks to God for as many things you can think of that you’re grateful for everyday. I promise, this simple act of thankfulness will change your life. It can be as simple as this; give thanks that you woke up today. That you can see, hear, smell, taste, feel, touch, breathe, smile, laugh, speak, walk, move your body, for your food that’s available to you, for your loved ones… feeling gratitude for just 1 simple thing will ripple your mind into ALL the things that are just too good in your life that deserve to be deeply appreciated. This habit will not only come with me into 2022, but for all the years to come :)


13. Making time for creativity, expressing this part of you through drawing, dancing, pottery, anything!

Spend time creating something, to increase positive emotions, reduce stress, and decrease anxiety. The immersive nature of being creative helps us to see things differently and better deal with uncertainty or allow for the flow of the unknown. And, being creative is fun & freeing.


14. Maintaining optimal dental hygiene, the ecology of our mouth is more important than we are lead to believe!

Dentistry is at the dawn of understanding that there’s a relationship between the mouth and the metabolism of the rest of the body. Researches have demonstrated correlations between oral health and the body's overall health. Based on forty years of research, Dr. Reinhard Voll, the father of electrodermal screening, which is now referred to as electroacupuncture, estimated that 80% of all illness is related to decay in the mouth. He reasons that since teeth are connected to every organ and gland via the blood stream, any infection that the mouth harbours affects our overall health. This year am I going to continue to this holistic self-dentistry routine. I have learnt so much about this topic from the book Holistic Dental Care - The Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums, by Nadine Artemis. I use Nadine’s specially formulated dental products from Living Libations, such as their clay tooth pastes, ozonated gum gel, and tooth powders, which have all done wonders for my teeth and gums.


15. Taking herbs & superfoods dense in nutrition & healing properties

If you are wanting to strengthen the function of a certain organ or system of the body, or increase your overall immunity, energy, sleep quality, mood, detoxification, etc, I’d highly recommended investing in some herbs and superfoods to supplement with. I have been taking some of the Dr. Morse Herbal Botanicals for 2 years now for kidney filtration, lymphatic drainage, GI tract health, and liver & skin health. I also use sea moss, spirulina, camu camu berry, bee pollen, and wild blueberries in my daily smoothie. I feel incredible when I gift my body with these special foods.


16. Create a strong social circle

Friends and community make your life richer. Establishing a strong social circle increases your sense of belonging and purpose, boosts your happiness, reduces stress, improves self-confidence, and self-worth. It’s so fulfilling to connect and do good for others. Now go and make some beautiful memories with your friends this year that you’ll look back on and smile in the years to come :) If you are looking for some likeminded, health conscious, fun, supportive, entrepreneurial people to connect with, my Kangen community Alkalised Abundance and my personal team community Return To Origin, has blessed me with some of the most incredible friendships I’ve ever had. If you’d like to learn more, contact me here x


17. Cold therapy

Even though cold exposure can be… uncomfortable at first, lol, I believe it’s a secret weapon. After a sweaty workout or run, or even after a hot shower, I will make the water temp as cold as possible and get my whole body and face exposed to the cold water. You can also do cold therapy through ice baths, this type of practice is also known as cryotherapy. It’s been shown to speed up metabolism, reduce inflammation, swelling and sore muscles. For me, it also can get rid of a headache! Besides the health benefits, I do this because it trains me to be more disciplined in doing things that are easier not to do, but are so worth it after pushing through and doing it anyway.


18. Quality sleep

Sticking to a sleep schedule, creating a restful environment, limiting day time naps, exercising, and managing anxiety, can all help to improve the quality of your sleep. I find that I can be eating all the good, healthy foods, taking my supplements, working out, etc, but if I’m NOT letting myself get enough sleep, and having late nights, I will feel and look crap. This year I am going to aim at making getting quality sleep a prioritised habit, because to completely honest, sticking to a sleep schedule is something I’m still working on and is an area with lots of room for improvement.


19. Correct posture

Another habit I really want to improve and stick to this year is practising and maintaining a correct & upright posture. Poor posture can be traced back to many factors, including a lack of education or awareness of correct posture, a sedentary lifestyle, occupational demands, excessive phone use, improper sleeping positions, carrying a heavy bag, joint stiffness, muscle tightness, and poor core stability. I am sure there are many exercises out there you can do to improve your posture, but simply reminding yourself and becoming aware of your body’s stance is the best place to start so you can correct your head, shoulders, and back. Keep your posture in mind when you’re sitting, walking, working out, responding to a message on your phone, when cooking, etc. Besides the many skeletal & muscular benefits, your lung capacity will be increased, as well as your self-confidence and digestion!


20. Joyful activities

What lights you up? What makes you smile, laugh, feel excitement, and joy? Make a habit of creating time for these things more frequently, life is too short to miss out on play :)


21. Daily learning & reading

Committing to this habit is such a great way to expand your mind and knowledge. For me, daily learning comes in the form of reading my bible every morning, reading books on health topics that I may not know much about, attending a weekly Alkalised Abundance team call training on entrepreneurship, or the science of Kangen water, or growing a business through social media, and even diving into a topic I’m curious about through Youtube documentaries or tutorials! Try to learn something new every day. By the end of 2022, you will have learnt so so much!


22. Turning my phone on airplane mode for bedtime

Last but not least, the good old aeroplane mode trick. When your phone is in airplane mode, it's not going to get any signal or emit as much EMF. Reduced EMF while you’re sleeping and your while body is regenerating, less blue light at night when you need increased melatonin, and not hearing a random text from a friend in a different time zone, will all help your mind and body focus on rest and repair.


Thank you for reading!

I hope this blog post inspires you to create new habits or carry some of these with you into 2022! Here is a tip… I believe that the key to successfully sticking to a new habit, thought pattern, or behaviour, comes downs to two things: commitment and consistency. If you’re committed, you’ll start with your heart in it, if you’re consistent, you’ll frequently practice and it and over time will seamlessly become a part of you.

Please let me know in the comments below which out of the 22 habits listed here is your favourite or has inspired you most! I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Share this blog post with someone you know who would love to try out any of the habits mentioned here♡

Want to Become a Holistic Health Coach?

I studied with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to become a qualified Holistic Health Coach in 2020. This school & program has changed my life and accelerated this beautiful wellness journey that I find myself on now. Have you played with the idea of becoming a health coach yourself? As an alumni of IIN, I am able to provide a great 4-figure discount on your tuition, so feel free to contact me here and I can refer you directly :)

Find out more - Become A Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Learn more about Kangen water & how you can get a machine

Shop my favourite Living Libations products

(organic, wildcrafted, microbiome friendly, food grade, synthetic free, gluten free, non-GMO, reef safe products)

Wishing wellness & vitality to each and every one of you.

With love,

Liv x


Loving Your Lymphatic System & Skin with Living Libations


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