What Even Is ‘Raw Foods’ Anyway?


Living foods are raw foods

Meaning they have not been cooked in any way, and still have all the natural enzymes within them. Preparing and maintaining food at or below 48 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit) preserves the inherent life-force and information/nutrition within the foods. It is within the distilled and structured waters of the plants we find the most effective sources of energy and information. There are many subtle energies within nature and the foods we eat that are sensitive to preparation. Of course, there are some elements that can handle being prepared above these temperatures but the most beneficial are the subtle and more delicate forces in nature.

The dictionary definition of the word ‘raw’ is:

Unrefined, unfiltered and untampered with.

The idea is that to maintain the nutritional quality of the vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes in their most natural and healthy form. That means no cooking, at least not in the way you’re used to. Those who are into raw food and a raw food diet tend to also be very into natural health and organic whole foods (also eaten cooked). People often come to the diet because of some health concern or event, in search of healing. Anecdotally there are many incredible stories of people that have used raw foods to heal themselves.


Enzymes in raw food

Raw and living foods have their enzymes intact. Raw foodists believe enzymes can be thought of as the life force of the food, helping your body digest it. Enzymes are also a catalyst for every function in the body. Enzymes are incredibly efficient and highly specific biological catalysts . In fact, the human body would not exist without enzymes because the chemical reactions required to maintain the body simply would not occur fast enough. The most fragile of enzymes start to die off (become denatured) at that 42C/115F degree mark. So when cooking food, you not only denature those enzymes, but also some of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes and proteins.


Angstroms & light in raw food

Every living thing and any food item has its own energy. This energy propagates as a wave and can be measured as electromagnetic energy. This electromagnetic energy is rated in units called “angstroms”. The higher the quantity of angstroms a food gives off, the higher the energy of the food. When you eat fresh, organic, uncooked and unprocessed foods, the high electromagnetic energy of that food is transferred to your body and its cells.

One of the laws of physics in this universe is the law of balance, homeostasis. The low energy of some foods will lower your systemic energy creating hypoactive or underactive tissue. The more energetic the foods are that you eat, the more vibrant and healthy you become. As we increase the energy of our physical body, we are also lifted up emotionally and consciously. The vitality you can achieve is indescribable and can only be experienced.

The human body emits a measurable radiation (expressed in the form of colour and sound) at around 6200-7000 angstroms. So a person in good health should have a vibration of at least 6500 angstroms. Interestingly, when we measure cancer patients or those with serious degenerative diseases, the average is only about 4875 angstroms.

The angstrom energy of foods can be divided into four general classes:

Category 1: Foods that have wave lengths between 6,500 and 10,000 angstroms, (regarded as those of the highest quality).

Example- mature, ripe & raw fruits and fruit juices obtained from squeezing (made fresh and immediately consumed), raw fresh vegetables, leafy greens, seaweeds, nuts & seeds.

Category 2: 3,000 angstroms to 6.500 (medium quality)

Example- cooked veggies, oils, wine

Category 3: very weak radiations below 3,000 angstroms

Example- coffee, chocolate, jams, cheeses, white bread

Category 4: exhibits practically no energy (dead matter)

margarine, pasteurised milk, conserves, alcoholic spirit, cooked meats, sausages, animal products, refined white sugar and bleached flour


“Are you eating foods that raise your energy... or deplete your energy?”


In the 1970’s at UCLA, a team of researchers were able to reproduce the Kirlian effect in photographs showing us, visually, the amazing energy of our foods.

When we assimilate pure, highly organised energy patterns into our own energy fields our own life force patterns are energised, revitalised and made more coherent. A coherent energy pattern creates more coherent RNA and DNA patterns. When our RNA and DNA energy structures are organised and energised, our cells divide properly and our organs function and heal efficiently.


Kirlian Photography shows the difference in vitality between cooked food and fresh raw food.

It has been demonstrated how life force pulsates from natural foods, but does not from inorganic minerals and synthetic vitamins, which are relatively dead. For instance, testing vitamin C from natural sources such as rose hips, the pattern of vitality was far stronger than for an isolated, artificial vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The body's requirements can only be truly met by organic vitamins and minerals, found in balanced proportions in whole natural food.

“A natural organism or entity contains factors which cannot be recognised or demonstrated if one takes the original organism apart and determines its component parts by way of analysis. One can, for instance, take a seed, analyse it for protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, moisture and vitamins, but this will not tell its genetic background, potential or biological value”.....

from “ The Secret Life of Plants,” by Tomkins and Bird.


The vitality you get from fruits

Fruits have the highest electrical energy of ALL foods.

Fruit sugar is your fuel. Fructose is the simple sugar of fruits. As the engine in your car needs a carbon-based fuel to run, so does your physical body. Your body primarily needs amino acids, fatty acids, and sugars to function. However, it is the simple sugars mixed with oxygen that your body requires as fuel to run the machine.

So what’s in fruit?....

  • Simple sugars (fructose) which feeds every cell in the body and is easy to digest.

  • Basic amino acids that do not need broken down or digested further.

  • Antioxidants to fight free radicals.

  • Vitamins, micro-nutrients and minerals in a natural balance.

  • Fibre good for colon health.

Fruits have the life force of nature it self.

Fruits are alkalising to the body.

Fruits supports regeneration of cells.

Fruits are very hydrating for the body’s cells.

Fruit sugar (fructose) does not require insulin or extensive digestive enzymes.

Fruits are man’s intended food.


“And God said, behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.” Genesis 1:29


Fruits to detoxify the body

In order to detoxify, heal and regenerate the body, we must raise the electromagnetic energy of the system as a whole. Eating fruits that are high in energy will raise the potential of the body to create new cells. Not only that, it will allow the body to intelligently rid itself of all lower potential cells. This means damaged, mutated and weak cells that lead to degeneration of tissue, and conditions we call disease.


Superior deep-tissue detoxification can only take place with fruits. Vegetables, because of their lower energetic, antioxidant and astringent properties, and their complex cellulose structures will only detoxify you so far, and then you will reach a plateau. Vegetables are the builders, which are suited for muscle and skeletal tissue. Nuts and seeds are structural foods and are strengthening to the body as a whole. These are not optimal detoxification foods. They do not have the highest potentials in energy, and do not have an astringent or hydrating effect on the body.


Fruits and Diabetics

Now glucose, even being a simple sugar and found in vegetables, requires INSULIN to “carry” it into a cell. This is very important to note, as fructose from fruits is also a simple sugar, but much more “electrically alive.” Fructose does NOT require insulin to be “carried” through a cell wall, it is merely pulled in by “diffusion”.


This is ideal for diabetics or anyone with adrenal gland problems (most cancers) as fructose will “feed” the cell and allow ATP to be formed. If you are having insulin or adrenal problems and you starve your body for sugars, you are starving ALL your cells. Your body's health depends upon the health of its cells!


But I’ve heard that sugar feeds cancer?!

This is another tremendous misunderstanding. To claim sugars feed cancer is to deny what decades of science has proven. To starve the body for sugar is to starve ALL cells of their energy. This causes acidosis, ketosis and damaged cells. Too much protein and refined fats or too many supplemented fatty acids also causes this acidosis and damaged cells.


Fruits are higher in antioxidants and astringents and will move your lymphatic system far better than vegetables. The simple sugar of fruits (fructose), is superior for cancer, diabetics, pancreatitis, hepatitis, and all other gastric and intestinal conditions.



I encourage you to watch the many awesome YouTube videos of Dr. Robert Morse. He explains in simple to understand language, how YOU create dis-ease in your body, how your great lymphatic system works, how to detoxify and regenerate your health through diet and botanical herbs, and much more. Dr. Morse’s website - Dr Morse’s Herbal Health Club


“You cannot heal disease... without stopping the eating of the foods which produce the disease” - Professor Arnold Ehret

“The lower the energy of the food you eat, the lower your systemic energy becomes. This creates hypoactive or under-active tissues. The more energetic the foods are that you eat, the more vibrant and healthy you become. As we increase the energy of the physical body, we lift ourselves up out of despair and disease. This opens the senses to a whole new world of understanding and health. The vitality you can achieve is indescribable; it can only be experienced. The body is a tremendous machine; fully aware of itself, with self-healing and cleaning mechanisms already built in. The body can get so healthy that you don’t even realise that you are using it. No aches, no pains, no weaknesses, only pure energy. If you wish to experience this pure energy you must consume pure energy. It’s that simple. Have vitality, have dynamic energy, have fun, go raw!” - from “The Detox Miracle Sourcebook,” by Robert Morse, N.D.


Getting Started

You don’t need to be “100% raw” to experience the benefits of incorporating more raw foods into your diet. Different levels of raw are right for every person and whilst any addition of raw food will be beneficial, try to aim for a diet compromised of 50% raw foods to feel and see a notable difference. 

If you simply add a smoothie to your morning routine and a salad for lunch then you are two thirds of the way there already!

Many people choose to go 100% raw for a period of time as a way to detox or heal a health condition. Others may choose an 80/20 split- a diet that’s mostly raw and the rest made up of wholefoods. It is really a personal choice, but there is no denying that the more raw foods you add to your diet the better you will feel. Everyone has different nutritional needs so there are no hard and fast rules. Over time you will learn to be in tune with your body’s needs and what degree of raw makes you thrive. Taking care of your health is the best insurance you have to thrive.

Try adding raw foods wherever you can and only as much as you are comfortable with. Going 100% raw overnight can create a very rapid detoxing effect on your body.  Headaches, irritability, fatigue are common symptoms if your diet changes faster than your body can adjust to it. 

The core goal is to eat sensibly and to give your body the best quality food you can for the ultimate in health and wellbeing. Taking the first step towards vibrant living is easier than you think. It’s a profound way of taking responsibility of your own wellbeing particularly in these precarious times. This back to nature approach to eating provides more life to our body, mind and spirit and enables us to fully appreciate the gift of being alive.

Some other important keys to keep in mind are pure water, sleep, exercise, stress management, laughter and love! 


Raw food prep

Embarking on a major life change can be exciting and also nerve wracking. Many questions can run through your mind such as:  What will I eat? Raw salads are boring! Will I ever be able to eat out?

The good news is there is a big wide world of delicious food to enjoy with no cooking needed! One of the best perks of this lifestyle is exploring new foods and finding creative ways to prepare old favourites. 

A key factor to a raw lifestyle is being prepared at home. Make sure you have plenty of fresh produce and plant based staples on hand. Find your local farmers market and stock up on fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. 

Step 1. Clean out your pantry of processed foods. If you can’t pronounce an ingredient it’s usually not a good sign. 

Step 2. Buying in bulk is a great way to stock your pantry and also save on money and excess plastic. There are so many bulk food stores around these days which makes it an easy, sustainable and cost effective way to stock your pantry. 

Step 3. Make a point of trying new foods and recipes and over time replacing less healthy meals with new raw favourites.

You may find a new favourite adventure is checking out the local farmers market or health food store. I know it’s definitely mine especially when travelling. Dare to try something new each week and let your tastebuds experience new sensations. 

Most importantly have fun discovering new ways to nourish your body!


I recently found ‘Lets Cook Raw’- a website filled with raw recipe videos, nutritional information and zoom recordings from doctors and chefs. Definitely check it out!


What personally works for me

After trying many different ways of eating a raw foods vegan diet...I have found what works for me. This way of eating keeps my body healthy and my mind happy, whilst still giving me extreme satisfaction & overall wellbeing! I love eating fresh fruits, banana smoothies, green juices, and fruit juices during the day (fruit meals will usually be mono-meals- eg a bowl of just watermelon, or a papaya, or a big bowl of grapes), and then a luxury raw food cuisine meal or simple salad for dinner! Yum! This is where I'll get in all my delicious veggies, herbs, and a small amount of fat (usually avocado, nuts, seeds, or coconut meat).

There are so many incredible raw recipes out there, especially on Youtube and there’s also a large variety of raw vegan recipe ebooks online. Pretty much any traditional cooked meal can be made into a delicious raw vegan version! I particularly love creating raw vegan 'butter chicken' with dehydrated jackfruit, raw vegan pizza, raw vegan sushi nori rolls, crackers, falafels, thai noodle or italian pasta dishes (either with spiralized zucchini noodles or kelp noodles), cashew cheeses, guacamole mexican salads, caramel slice, raw gnocchi, lasagne, rainbow collard wraps, lettuce tacos, mediterranean salads, creamy veggie slaws, raw carrot soups.... I could seriously go on forever about my favourite raw vegan meals hahaha.

The point is, the options and ideas are endless. Experiment and find what works for you. For me, high fruit, low fat and proper food combining does wonders for me. Some people don't like to have as much fruit, or prefer higher fat, or thrive off large amounts of leafy greens. It's all about balance and seeing what your body likes :)

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Thank you for reading

Please share this blog post with someone who you think might enjoy looking into this topic or may benefit from transitioning to raw foods! Of course, if you have any questions about regenerative detoxification, raw cuisine, fruits, my personal health story etc, reach out & we can chat!

Holistic Health Coaching

If you are wanting to improve your digestion, skin health, or wanting to transition to a plant based or raw diet, check out my health coaching services here, where we can work together on any health concerns & goals you have together.

Book your free wellness discovery call with me here

Follow along on my Instagram @olivia.harper where I share an abundance of raw meals & recipes, nutritional information, as well as 'What I Eat in a Day' stories. Sending joy, health, abundance & blessings to each and every one of you.




Raw Vegan Aged Semi-firm Cheeses. Two Flavours. Oil & Yeast Free


Raw Vegan Lasagne